I'm surprised your jerkoff sessions never included swapping blowjobs with your buddies. I'm Gen X and it was part and parcel of my experiences, mutual oral, even in a group, was normal and almost expected.
I do like that the internet makes it so much easier to watch porn. But the adult stores and cinemas are now dying out. Which is too bad because those were great places to hook up with the guys.
I want to be a dumpster for all of you and let you degrade me, messy me to the maximum, insult me, humiliate me, hit me and end up on the floor like a waste drowned in your piss, your cum, your spits and be filmed like that 😍
These videos take me back to when I was a teenager and me and a group of buddies would get together and watch porn together and Jack off while watching it. After awhile I couldn't stop thinking about all my buddies dicks all hard and shooting loads of cum into rages and the trash. I'd already experimented with tasting and eating my own cum and seriously thinking about how another guy's cum tasted like and how it would feel to suck another guy's dick and have him shoot his load in my mouth